Monday, July 13, 2009


My Yellow Rubbery LiveStrong Bracelet broke this evening after wearing it since Grandma Foster passed. I did a cancer walk in New York in remembrance of my grandmother and subsequently decided to support LiveSTRONG by purchasing 20 bracelets and wearing one in remembrance of my Grandmother and the ideal of living every day to the best of my ability: Live healthy, live life to the fullest, do not live for regrets, LiveSTRONG!
As it tears from playing with it as has become my nervous habit in the past five years, I hold it seeing “Live ON” in the bunched up mess with a few letters hidden, hewn, or torn. A message to move on? Miss me, but not too long, miss me, but let me go…

Or is it as it truly says…after further inspection “RONG LIVES”. Wrong lives? Are we living the wrong lives? Taking the wrong lives? Living inappropriately? Not living to the best of our ability? Living the wrong lives day in and day out? Is it criticism from ancestors of the my current style of living? Disapproval of my travels, sojourns with lack of direction, aimless wandering? Is it? Have I been aimless?... Clearly I could be doing something deemed more productive… Clearly I can do more…Clearly I will do more
As with the funeral poem…Travel on, but not too long, travel on, but then work hard (on)… with aim, direction, poise, dedication, and determination to succeed, make a difference, achieve worthwhile milestones.